October 23, 2023
Koblenz, Germany

In conjunction with the
29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP '23)

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and developers from the field of operating systems, programming languages, security, computer architecture and verification with the goal to accelerate changes in the kernel through a combination of isolation, programming language safety, and formal verification.

The objectives of the workshop are:

Suggested paper topics include, but are not restricted to:

Call for Papers

We welcome submissions of original research papers, position papers, and experience reports.

All papers must be written in English and should be formatted in the two-column ACM article style, using the options “sigplan,anonymous,10pt”). The CCS Concepts, Keywords, and ACM Reference Format sections are not required in submissions. Submissions are double blind: author names and affiliations should not be included.

Submissions must not be more than six (6) pages in length, using 10-point font. The bibliography does not count towards the page limit. The page limit will be strictly enforced. They will be reviewed by the workshop program committee and designated external reviewers. Papers will be evaluated based on technical quality, originality, relevance, and presentation. The submission website is: https://kisv23.hotcrp.com.

By default, accepted papers will be published electronically in the ACM Digital Library. The authors of accepted papers to be included in the ACM Digital Library will be required to sign ACM copyright release forms. The publication of a paper in the KISV workshop proceedings is not intended to replace future conference publication.

Important dates

The workshop is collocated with SOSP'2023. Registration is handled via SOSP'2023 website.

The workshop will be a highly interactive event with an agenda designed to promote focused and lively discussions. The set of accepted papers will be made available to registered attendees in advance of the workshop.